
Sunday 21 June 2015

Ask An Astronomer Anything At All About Astronomy (VI)

Resuming after holidays and suchlike. As always, the complete list is found on the Q&A page.

I really wish blogger had proper support for internal links. As it is I have to edit the html, which is simple enough but unnecessarily tedious. I'd probably have started this as a wiki if I'd known how incredibly simple wikis are to setup. Problem is that deep down I'm very shallow. I like seeing the number of likes and views a page gets, and wikia doesn't support that. So I'm keeping this as a blogger page for the foreseeable future.

1) How can photons live for billions of years ?

2) Do photons get chilly ?

3) Can you really rip a hole in the space-time continuum, cap'n ?

4) Do neutron stars and proton stars repel each other ?
No, because proton stars are not a thing.

5) Could the Sun spit out a mini-Sun ?
No, but asteroids might spit out mini asteroids.

6) Could we find new elements on other planets ?
Probably not, but we might find much weirder stuff than other elements.

7) Would a positively charged black hole and another positively charged black hole repel each other ?
Yeah, but charged black holes probably don't exist.

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