
Sunday 17 January 2016

Ask An Astronomer Anything At All About Astronomy (XV)

Just six questions this week, but they're rather interesting ones. Next week's task will be to re-arrange the categories. I'm thinking black holes and aliens deserve their own category. I also want to start keeping a list of questions I can't answer. Anywhere, here they are :

1) If there was a quasar in the Milky Way, could we see it without a telescope ?

2) How can we stop microscopic black holes from evaporating ?
Oh, please don't.

3) If I just start firing relativistic weapons off into the Universe randomly, do I need to worry about upsetting people ?
No-one apart from psychiatrists.

4) Will my relativistic projectiles be slowed down by drag from the interstellar medium ?
No, but seriously lay off the planet-killers, OK ?

5) What's the deal with that star with the alien megastructures ?
It's cool.

6) Can you turn into a black hole just by going really fast ?
I don't know, but I'd like to. Anyone have an answer ?

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  1. You Might find this Interesting,


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