
Sunday 21 February 2016

Ask An Astronomer Anything At All About Astronomy (XVII)

There are links here, Mum. To a questions page which has actual answers on it.

1) Why does the Cygnus spacecraft need to do a de-orbit burn ?
Because it won't fall down by magic.

2)  Apart form looking for aliens, what will China's new 500m telescope do ?
Many, many wonderful things.

3) What do you think of this UFO report ?
It's pointless.

4) What do you think of this 80 minute documentrary about UFOs ?
oh God PLEASE no.

5) Since energy and mass are equivalent, are dark matter and dark energy really just the same thing ?

6) Do black holes rip you apart because they're made of antimatter ?

7) If a star turned into a black hole would it suck in all its planets ?

8) If you had a teaspoon of material from a white dwarf would it destroy the Earth ?

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