Follow the reluctant adventures in the life of a Welsh astrophysicist sent around the world for some reason, wherein I photograph potatoes and destroy galaxies in the name of science. And don't forget about my website,

Saturday 4 December 2010

Latest CG project : Xeelee Nightfighter

Well I did promise to use this old blogamajig to inform the world of my CG creations, and finally I've finished one. It's a Xeelee Nightfighter based on the novels of Stephen Baxter.

Full size image

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Nightfighter's primary motive power comes from unfurling wings of folded spacetime. I think that's Baxterian code for "their own immense coolness, bitches." I decided to animate this procedure, which you may view in full glorious HD thanks to YouTube :

More to come...


  1. I quite liked the pictures and the film. Yes, you do have some intermittent viewers! A longer version of the film would be nice, maybe some landing sequences, use of onboard weaponry or some such. Loved the HD.

  2. Wooo, a comment ! Awesomness. I don't know about more animations, but I'm working (slowly) on a more dramatic scene for it.

  3. Hey there... Good work! Looks like what I imagined them to be. Keep it up and post more! :)

  4. Hey thanks ! Don't forget there's more Baxterian stuff on my website,
    I've got some more stuff I really must try and find the time to finish...

  5. Nice one. Good to see someone making this stuff. Anyone care to make Baxter's story "Blue Shift"into a movie? That would be most resplendent

  6. Simply Exultant!!


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